Event logging simplified for online businesses

Observli is a simple, yet powerful event logging and monitoring tool for online businesses. It’s like Google Analytics + Slack, but for events.

App screenshot

Trusted by these fine companies, so far

    • Queeword
    • Forms.
    • ProductPunt

    Events & Topics

    Easily track and manage events happening across your SaaS business.

    Observli offers unlimited events and topics for all plans, making it impossible to miss important data points as they happen.


    Manage multiple products and teams in one place.

    We get it, you like to build many products at once. We do too. That’s why we offer unlimited workspaces for all plans.


    Attach context to your events to make them more meaningful.

    With our SDKs and API, you can apply as much metadata as you'd like to your events, making it easy to tie events to your users, products, and more.